
We are giving away the 7% of the total supply of 2million tokens 140,000 in total.

  1. Share our website on your Facebook or Instagram
  2. Enjoy our Telegram Channel or Discord server Telegram: 
  3. Create your wallet
  4. Post your link of your Facebook post or Instagram together with your DCS Wallet address
  5. We will check all address and send the Tokens

How To Create Wallet:

Step 1

Download Trust Wallet

Or Metamask if you prefer, just klick “Import token”on the bottom)

Step 2

Tap on the toggle sign on the upper right corner of the Wallet Screen. Search for the token, and if the token is not available, you will get a “No Asset Found” screen with the Add Custom Token button.

For Android devices, you can scroll down to the bottom of the list of available tokens and you will see there + Add Custom Token.

step 3

Step 3

Fill up Token Details

Network: Smart Chain

Contact Adress: 0x4565288B14D84507 CA2020A7595f91fF16304e55

Name: Danuvia

Symbol: DCS

Decimals: 18

Step 4

Click the asset, then receive, and copy paste your address and send it to us.